Wednesday 3 August 2016

What's it all about?

2016 started well for bucket list achievements. I finally, after talking about wanting to for many years, swam in cold water outdoors on New Year's Day at the wonderful Ladies Pond with lovely friends. At the end of January, I got to see Eddie Izzard live. So I felt I needed some new things on my bucket list as I'm not planning on kicking it just yet.

This is an on-going project to see at least one production of every Shakespeare play live in a theatre. I go to see a LOT of Shakespeare but I do tend to see the same plays over and over because they are favourites. So I'm going to start by putting a list here of all the plays and then do a separate post about each, including thoughts about productions I've seen (where I can remember any details....been watching Shakespeare for about 30 years!) Plays I have seen are written in pink.


All's Well That Ends WellAs You Like ItComedy of ErrorsLove's Labour's LostMeasure for MeasureMerchant of VeniceMerry Wives of WindsorMidsummer Night's DreamMuch Ado about NothingTaming of the ShrewTempestTwelfth NightTwo Gentlemen of VeronaWinter's Tale


Henry IV, Part IHenry IV, Part IIHenry VHenry VI, Part IHenry VI, Part IIHenry VI, Part IIIHenry VIIIKing JohnPericlesRichard IIRichard III


Antony and CleopatraCoriolanusCymbelineHamletJulius CaesarKing LearMacbethOthelloRomeo and JulietTimon of AthensTitus AndronicusTroilus and Cressida

As you can see, I'm about half way through, having seen 19 of 37. some of the rest might be a bit of a challenge; most of the ones I haven't seen don't seem to be produced very often. I'm quite cross I didn't get more organised to go and see Cymbeline at the Sam Wanamaker theatre in the early part of this year, but I do plan to see Othello there this winter.

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